About Erwin

Born and grown up in Holland, played korfbal when I was younger. Moved to Scotland and founded my family. have worked as a (pastry) chef/head chef before going to university and study computing. Working for ninewells Hospital for diabetes. I have 2 kids who might start korfball later too.

Dundee 1 V Ed Mavericks

Last Sunday’s match against the Edinburgh Mavericks resulted in a 4-4 draw. It was a fast paced, hard fought game where we could not hold the initial point advantage. From a 1-0 lead, to a 2-1 lead but beaten back by the Mav’s in the second period. Caroline scored a penalty and a long distance shot, Nigel scored a goal and Steve scored the fourth. All in all a great result. Looking back at the last games, we seem to get a better result, but need to get just one in at the end. Equal scores does not get us to the top 😉

Sunday game in Edinburgh (25-11)

On Sunday we played Ed Uni 2 and Ed Uni 3. After a delay due to problems with the hall booking we went ahead against Ed Uni 2. We managed to keep that game low and ended with 3-3.
After this game we went ahead against there 3rd team. Score opened quickly and within the first 5 minutes we switched ends. This repeated another 2 times before half time. We where up 6-0. After the break we managed another 4 goals, Edinburgh did not have an answer to our play. Final score 0-10 Dundee.
Well done

News from Holland

The original article: http://www.koogzaandijk.nl/index.php?id=4744

Scotland: Erwin Oosterhoorn, son of our Cees who is on the mend, has lived for years in Scotland, in Dundee, to be exact and he has since contributed to the creation of DKC, the Dundee Korfball Club, who immediately started enthusiastically. They play in the Scottish league and recently organized the first tournament with six teams. A website should not be missed, of course, so if you want to know more click here. Because of its association with Erwin a forthcoming separate article can appear on our website. Besides, a bunch of students from Edinburgh University Korfball Club made ​​a perfect recruitment clip. That you have to see, click here!

OK, I have roughly translated this to make it easier to read. I have since sent an article over but want to sent a detailed report of the tournament to see if there is anyone that is interested in coming over next year.

DKC Summer tournament

In the blistering sun we had a fantastic first tournament, as you can see on the photo’s. A total of 6 teams battled it out for this years trophy, and I think I can say that we all had a good time.

More about the tournament will follow, please let me know some of your comments of this day!