Amy’s Farewell Tournament

WP_000026 (2)What a day. Douglas Sport Centre, midday, Sunday, January 13th, and what’s this? Ed. City are here already! But where are the Dundonians? Don’t worry, Noggin Nog, they’ll be here. Sometime soon, perhaps? And so the day began…

I needn’t have worried too much though. Dundee did turn up, most of them just after 12:30, and the most important one of all was amongst them. Our beloved Amy, who only started playing korfball last year (51 weeks ago, to be exact), was here to say goodbye. Despite her meek and mild manner (at least while sober), Amy has been a bit of a trooper for Dundee – always willing to play for us, no matter whether we were at home or away, or how far out of our depth we were going to be. There was to be none of that today though: anyone who was going to be out of their depth today was going to be in a nice warm cuddly team with someone big and grown up who could paddle them to safety. Amy would be a Quokka (it was decided), and Quokka’s live on islands where nobody lets them drown. Erwin was going to be a Quokka too (that was only fair). Nigel, Paul and Wendy were going to be Kangaroos (boing, boing). Pete and Kirsty would be Kiwis (well, somebody had to be), while Fiona, Michael, Shane and Caroline snapped their way into the Crocodile’s squad. The Kakapos ended up with slightly more than their fair share of Dundonians (Steven, Alan, Ross, Terri and Mary), but no-one was going to complain.

Lots of running around was done just before the kick-off, Mary sorting out the sorting-hats (eat your heart out, JK Rowling), Michael penning in the teams, and yours truly stealing all the money. Terri, Steve and their little team of helpers seemed to take charge of the posts and court markings, and all of a sudden we were ready go. The first game got underway just after 1pm, and umpteen matches were battled out back-to-back, in true Scottish korfball style. Not that many people were playing back to back, of course. On occasions, I do believe that I even saw some people (who were generally facing the right way) scoring some goals. And the referees apparently agreed: the scores came in every 17 minutes, on the dot, and the dot was feeling quite happy about that. Just to prove that it really was happening, here are some of the figures: 2-0, 2-4, 2-2, 1-4, 0-4, 0-5 (can you spot the pattern developing here?)… As the competition started to draw to a close, people suddenly started to realise that none of the scores really mattered anyway, and all that there was left to play for was pride (and beauty). Mary sank the final goal of the day for the Kakapos, and the contest was over. The Kangaroos had won, but only on points… the Quokka’s won the quiz (but only on points!)… and the Kakapos, Kiwis, Crocodiles and Quokkas shared the honours in the (harshly judged) beauty stakes – whatever happened to age before beauty?

All in all, the day turned out to be a huge success (he says, in ever such a humble tone). Forty korfers from all over the country had turned up (just on the off chance), magically managing to balance out in gender (21 girls, 19 boys – amazing!), and magically managing to get along with each other just fine. The only downers for the day were Lucie’s ankle giving way when she landed on someone else’s foot (Lucie had forgotten how Kangaroos are meant to bounce), and Alan ending up with a busted gum (none of us even knew that flightless birds had gums, TBH). With any luck though, all of the injuries will mend, and people will take away only the good memories. Amy will, for sure… we got her a mug with a photo of all our mugs on as her farewell present.

Bon voyage, Amy!

For the joy of korf (“and the winners are…”)

It is with great sadness that Dundee Korfball Club is forced to announce that…

Joy of Korf

For the Joy of Korf

The winner of this month’s Joy of Korf Award is none other than Alan Morrison! Whoopee, and well done Alan (that really was a great party!).

And just for the record, previous winners of the prestigious JoK award include:

  • June – Tanjeel Maleque for the sensational pub quiz extravaganza
  • July – Michael Nicholson for helping Nigel with the juniors sessions
  • August – Fiona Ianetta for her positive attitude at training and games
  • September – Terri Lloyd for her hard work on tactics in training
  • October – Emely Paul for attending the referees course and taking her first steps in refereeing within the SKL
  • November – Mary Cooper for generally being “super”, and for winning 2 MVPs in one day

Korfmas Hats at junior training, 13/12/12

Also, in related news, the club is delighted to announce that its first ever Korfmas Hat competition has been won by Rosie Lloyd, who proudly paraded her home-made hat throughout the final juniors training session of the year. Well done Rosie!

Events over Christmas

Some dates for your diaries over the Christmas period…

December 2012

Thursday 13th, 5:30-6:30pm – last youth session of the year at Ardler
6:30-8:00pm, festive adults session at Ardler (bring a seasonal hat – there may even be a prize for the best one.)

Saturday 15th , evening: Party at Alan’s house. Details from Tanjeel / Alan.

Thursday 20th, 6:30-8:00pm – last adult session of the year at Ardler

January 2013

Thursday 3rd, 5:30-6:30pm – first youth session of the year at Ardler
6:30-8:00pm– first adult session of the year

Tuesday 8th, 6-7:30pm – first session of the year at Craigowl

Sunday 13th, 1-4pm at Douglas Sports Centre (DD4 8TG): Mini tournament to say farewell to Amy & to Steve Gilchrist

Community Chest Competition

DKC has registered for a chance to win £500 in The Evening Telegraph’s Community Chest competition. All that we have to do is collect as many Community Chest tokens as we can over the next 10 weeks. Tokens will be printed on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays in the Evening Telegraph, from now until November 10. Please cut them out and keep them to add to the collection box that we will be putting in a local shop / community centre sometime soon. Many thanks!

SKL announces provisional league fixtures for 2012/13

The provisional schedule for the SKL 2012/13 has been released, and sees Dundee pitted against 11 other teams across 6 multi-game-venues. Our games are spread out fairly evenly between Sept 23 and Nov 25, and include 2 home fixtures (possibly 3, if we can convince Mavs to come up here to play in a 3-way MGV). Full details* are included in our events calendar.

* As the schedule is only provisional at this stage (I’ve guessed the game-times based on last year’s programme, for example), please remember that all games are subject to change.

DKC Summer tournament

In the blistering sun we had a fantastic first tournament, as you can see on the photo’s. A total of 6 teams battled it out for this years trophy, and I think I can say that we all had a good time.

More about the tournament will follow, please let me know some of your comments of this day!

DundeeDay 2012 (27/5/12)

Plans are coming together nicely for our inaugural Summer Tournament (Sunday, May 27, 2012). We have a total of 6 teams entered, so we’ve opted for a simple round-robin format: each team will play every other team once in a series of 30-minute matches in Dawson Park (DD5 1PJ). Start time is 11am, last game ends at 4:30pm. And the best news of all? Dundee have enough players for 2 teams! See the preliminary DundeeDay 2012 schedule (PDF) for more details.

End of Season Stats

So, the 2011/12 season is finally over, and the official stats for our first season are in. And guess what? We won the development league – yipeee! Mary came out as top scorer and most frequent MVP in the three team development league as well, which is no mean feat for someone who looks so young and new to the game. 🙂 It’s also impressive just how many real Dundee players there are up there near the top of the stats tables (as well as how many of our players managed to score at least one goal in their first season): well done everyone!

PS: I know that the stats for everyone aren’t quite right, and the MVP system has many flaws, but the overall picture is a very promising one, and the guy who’s been in charge of the leagues this year – Simon from Mavs – has done a brilliant (though somewhat thankless) job.

Team Played W D L GF GA GD Points
Dundee 1 17 6 3 8 83 126 -43 15
Ed Uni 4 20 5 1 14 80 193 -113 11
Glasgow 2 11 3 1 7 50 78 -28 7

Continue reading

Match report (1/4/12)

No kidding (get it?): we may have lost, but we had the best shirts.

Sunday, April 1, 10:45am, Shawland Academy, Glasgow

Glasgow 2 5 – 2 Dundee KC

Yet another low scoring game (OK, a loss) against a fairly handy team with a lot of experienced players… But this was also yet another very good team performance for us, with plenty of promise to build on for next season. We lost the game 5-2, but the stats actually look really promising… all of Glasgow’s goals were scored by their tall, experienced blokes (I’m responsible for letting 3 of them go in, and a fourth one was from a penalty that Mary gave away), whereas both of our goals came from open play and were scored by our up-and-coming (new-ish) girls. Shane scored her first competitive goal in what was her first full (non-sub’d) game – a nice little short-shot from the side of the post – and Caroline sank a really good long shot mid-way through the first half, with Kim providing support at the back of the post. I believe that a certain little captain even mentioned us still being in the game at half time, when we were only trailing by the one goal. But realistically, it was one of those games of two halves: we were doing OK up until half time, but after that we kind of ran out of ideas, and were overpowered by Glasgow’s much stronger squad. We did pretty well to keep the score down to 5-2, really, although we did also have a good few shots that went close in the second half, including one by Tanjeel right at the end that just rolled over the rim of the basket. That would have been a brilliant way to end our season, but sadly, it just wasn’t meant to be.

Of course, we can still say that we were the best looking team: this was our first outing in our brand new team kit.

Well done everyone, not only for this performance, but for making it through our first season in such style.

Match stats:

Glasgow 2 5 – 2 Dundee KC: Caroline(1), Kim, Nigel, Tanjeel; Mary Shane (1), Alan, Steven
MVP: ??? (my vote would be either Caroline or Steven, once again)

Match reports (25/3/12)

Definitely better, but no cigar…

Match reports from Sunday, March 25, 3:30pm, St. Leonards Land, Edinburgh

Game 1: Edinburgh City 2 3 – 3 Dundee KC

Another low scoring but decent little game… and another point on the board for both teams. A brace of classic long shots from Rosie got us off to a good start, but City soon pulled one back before the goals seemed to dry up. Mary eventually got things flowing again with a nice running in shot, but then things got a bit stuck again. We tried a good bit of outside feeding towards the end of the first half, but never really looked to have either the speed or the composure needed to finish our chances. So City took the initiative and popped in 2 goals to draw level just before half time. City’s standard of play went up a gear at the start of the second half, but we hung in there quite comfortably, with Nigel & Tanjeel and Rosie & Shane really starting to gel in defence (this was Shane’s debut, and only the second proper game for Tanjeel). The game even looked like it was starting to turn our way at the end, with Caroline and Rachael looking particularly sharp and strong in attack and Steven and Alan providing some really good support. But that was it as far as the goals were concerned, and both teams seemed fairly content with the final result.

Game 2: Edinburgh Uni 4 8 – 4 Dundee KC

I’m not sure that I remember much of this game, other than the real highlights: Alan scoring the second goal of his korfball career by doing exactly what he did the first time – rebounding from his own penalty; Mary scoring from under the post straight from a change-of-ends (well spotted, Steven); Rachael slotting home a nice long shot in the second half; and both Tanjeel and Kim coming really close to scoring their first goals in competitive korfball. Ed Uni’s team was quite strong, with several players “playing down” by at least one squad. But they all played really kindly throughout the match – the boys in particular refusing to take lots of clear shooting opportunities in order to support the more closely matched girls. If anyone else can remember any more than that, please feel free to add some comments! And well done to everyone who played for us – I think that these were two very good TEAM performances, which is really great to see.

Match stats:

Ed City 2 3 – 3 Dundee KC: Caroline, Mary (1, sub’d by Rachael at H/T), Alan, Steven; Rosie (2), Kim (sub’d by Shane at H/T), Nigel, Tanjeel. MVP: ??? (my vote would be Caroline)

Ed Uni 4 8 – 4 Dundee KC: Kim, Mary (2), Alan (1), Steven; Rosie (sub’d by Caroline at H/T), Shane (sub’d by Rachael (1) at H/T), Nigel (sub’d by Graham R with 5 minutes left), Tanjeel.
MVP: ??? (my vote would be Steven, who played really well all afternoon)