Record entry for Dundee Day, 2015

Forget the weather: it’s bound to brighten up by next weekend, because as Half Man Half Biscuit once sang, “Korfball’s Coming to Town“.

This year’s (fourth) edition of DKCs annual Summer Tournament, “Dundee Day”, has attracted a record entry of 16 adult teams, who will be battling it out on the astroturf in Dawson Park from 10:30am to 4:30pm. It will also see us introducing a half-hour event for juniors, and potentially their parents and guardians, at around 12:40pm. Full details are available in the Dundee Day Information Pack.

Anyone who is willing to help us to run the clubs biggest event to date should make themselves known to Nigel or Mary as soon as possible. We will need lots of helpers on the day, and lots of cakes too. You don’t even need to like korfball to be a good helper – a band of volunteers to staff the day-long BBQ and blow the full-time horn would be particularly useful. 😉

Dundee Day 2015 – The Plan

We are planning to hold our fourth annual Summer tournament on Sunday, May 24th, 2014. It will be a one day event, open to teams from everywhere… teams from existing clubs, cobbled together teams of friends, and maybe even a few cobbled together teams of people who’ve never played together before too. Just like last year, the event is scheduled for “the day after” St. Andrews’ magnificent beach tournament, so we are hoping that quite a few of the beach teams (one beach team = 2 boys + 2 girls) will hang around and pair up to form full teams (4 boys + 4 girls) on Dundee Day.

Anyone who’s interested in either entering a team, or just coming along and playing for a scratch team, should get in touch with Nigel (07817 640432), email or see the official tournament invite for more details.

Similarly, anyone who is willing to help us run the event (we will need lots of helpers) should make themselves known as soon as possible. You don’t even need to like korfball to be a good helper – a band of volunteers to staff the day-long BBQ and blow the full-time horn would be particularly useful. 😉

The rise of the Phoenix (DKC juniors)

The past few weeks have been quite eventful for DKC’s junior section. The kids club at Ardler had been limping along for quite a while before Christmas, and sadly it looked like it was time to pull the plug. But just as we were about to wash the baby out with the bathwater, the nice people at the Ardler Complex came to our rescue: they’ve offered us a much better deal on our hall hire, so we were all set to relaunch our junior club this Thursday. Naturally, the handful of kids that we have managed to keep and grow over the past three years seemed very relieved at this turn of events. Even better news was that the “relaunch” attracted 4 more newbies too, as well as a couple of enthusiastic new helpers. And so, in short, here we go again… Yippeee!

Anyone with any interests in the newly relaunched club should get in touch with Nigel Cooper (the club’s Development Officer) in the first instance – email or phone/text 07817 640432. New players (both boys and girls aged 8-14) will always be welcome, and the club will always try its best to accommodate people of all abilities. Training runs from 5:30pm to 6:30pm every Thursday night at the Ardler Complex on Turnberry Avenue (DD2 3TP) – regular sessions cost £2 each, but concessions are available and everyone gets their first session for free.

Kinnoull Primary School win Scottish Schools Open

SSO 2014 group photoKinnoull Primary School from Perth have been crowned the Scottish Schools Open korfball champions following a narrow victory over Dunbarney Primary, from Bridge of Earn.

The championship matches constituted the main event of a broader Festival of Korfball held at Dundee’s International Sport Centre on Saturday 21st June.  The festival was Scotland’s contribution to the 2014 “Worldwide Korfball Match”, which saw teams from across the globe participating in a wide array of korfball-based activities.

The event also formed part of SportDundee’s Commonwealth Games Challenge, a local initiative that challenged Tayside children to sample a broad array of sports over the weeks leading up to the 2014 Games in Glasgow.

Korfball is a sport of Dutch origin with similarities to netball and basketball.  Teams of four male and four female players- each able only to mark their own sex- attempt to score goals by throwing a ball through a korf- a basket 3.5m high with no backboard.  Players constantly rotate between attacking and defending, preventing positional specialism.

The 21 participating schoolchildren–drawn from the ranks of around half a dozen schools- were initially split into teams of 5-6 for a round robin of friendly matches, before being put through their paces in a series of training exercises by volunteer coaches from Dundee Korfball Club.  The championship finale was split over two games, with Kinnoull triumphing 7-6 on aggregate, winning one match 4-2 and succumbing to a narrow 4-3 loss in the other.  Both teams were supported by a handful of players from Blairgowrie and Dundee junior clubs, and Auchterhouse Primary School.

SSO 2014 actionAttendees were also treated to a demonstration match between Dundee Korfball Club and a team composed of players drawn from the Rest of Scotland, while a handful of parents gamely volunteered to try the sport for themselves in another friendly match.

The Scottish Schools Open was first held in 2013, with Fife’s Lawhead Primary emerging victorious.  This year’s event marked the culmination of an extensive programme of korfball coaching provided in schools by Nigel Cooper, Secretary of the Scottish Korfball Association (SKA).   Graham Robertson, Chair of the SKA, praised the good turnout of children and the Festival’s positive impact on not only the children, but also the adult volunteers.

“Having attended myself I found my enthusiasm for the sport being reinvigorated by the infectiousness of the local participants and those committed members of Dundee Korfball Club”.

SSO 2014 goalThe Scottish Korfball Association and Dundee Korfball Club would like to thank SportDundee for funding this year’s Festival of Korfball.  In addition thanks are extended to the many schools and teachers who welcomed korfball into their curricula over the last few months, especially Suzie Bee (Kinnoulll Primary School) and Hillary Whittaker (Dunbarney Primary School).  Finally, the SKA would like to thank the many volunteers from Dundee, Glasgow and Edinburgh City korfball clubs who assisted with the Festival’s organisation, and whose tireless dedication ensured the success of the day.

Dundee Korfball Club currently runs junior sessions in Dundee (Thursdays 1730 – 1830) and Blairgowrie (Saturdays 1000 – 1100), as well as a satellite club at Birkhill Primary School (Tuesdays 1530 – 1630).  For more information about these sessions, please contact

Copy: Michael Nicholson

Photos: Mary Cooper

more photos available here

A second training night? Looking good…

News just in from Dundee City Council: DKC is being offered the chance to run a second training session every week from August 25 onwards. We’ve been allocated Fintry’s PPP hall, from 8 to 10pm every Monday night (until June 22, 2015, and during term times only). Should be a great opportunity to develop the club, playing on a much bigger court than Ardler, and getting some fitness training in too. Who’s looking forward to that? 🙂

Free Korfball Festival at DISC on June 21

Dundee Korfball Club will be hosting a free korfball festival at DISC on June 21. The event will form part of the City Council’s Commonwealth Games Challenge and will feature:

  • “come and try” sessions for both adult and junior players,
  • an open competition for younger players (in the form of the Scottish Schools Open Korfball Championship – this is targetted primarily at children in years P6 and P7, but younger children will also be permitted to play “up” a year or two)
  • A demonstration game between the adult volunteers from Dundee Korfball Club and other clubs from the “Rest of Scotland”
  • A beginner’s game for mums and dads (should the opportunity arise!).

The festival and come and try sessions will run throughout the day, starting from 11am, and the Open Championship will run from 1pm to 4pm. The whole festival will end at 5pm.

Adult and junior players can sign up to register their interest here.

Provisional; Schedule:

11:00 setup and “come-and try” sessions (open to all)
12:00 adult demonstration game (Dundee vs Rest-of-Scotland)
1:00 registration for Scottish Schools Open (name badges, codes of conduct, team formation)
1:20 Scottish Schools Open mini-games (4 vs. 4, end-to-end)
2:00 Youth korfball skills-drills (groups of 4-6 players each; 5 x 6-minute drills)
2:30 Scottish Schools Open matches (8 vs. 8, two-divisions)
3:30 Prize presentations (certificates & trophy)
4:00 adult demonstration / beginner’s game (parents vs. volunteers?)
5:00 close

Dundee Day goes international…

DD 2014 group photo
Sunday, May 25, 2014: Dundee Day, year 3 – the year that it went truly international, and rained. But only enough to soak the people who got there ahead of time. Thankfully, most of the clouds seemed to dry up by the time we got to the second round of games. A few of them even parted later in the day, leaving the final few rounds to be played in (glorious?) sunshine. There was some good korfball on display too, especially once the balls had dried out a little and the players managed to adapt to the courts and conditions.

This was to be a record breaking event in many senses: it was the first time that it had rained in Dundee, ever (honest). It was the biggest Dundee Day in the club’s short but glorious history, with a total of twelve teams from eight different clubs. And it was the first time that the event had attracted any truly international competitors, with KC Terda’s team trundling all the way over from Breda in Holland just to return Dundee’s compliments (after DKC brought their first silverware home from Etten Leur last Summer). And we made sure that our visitors didn’t go home empty handed, of course. 🙂

The most important points for me to summarise here are (i) a bunch of heartfelt thank-you’s, and (ii) the final results from a very enjoyable and eventful day (literally).

So, here are the final standings (full results are at the end of this article):

  1. KC Terda (unbeaten all day long)
  2. Edinburgh University 2
  3. Edinburgh City
  4. Ligers (Lancaster alumni)
  5. St. Andrews University
  6. Edinburgh University 1
  7. Dundee Dragons
  8. Lancaster University 1
  9. Northern Storm (based around Tyneside)
  10. Glasgow
  11. Dundee Crocodiles
  12. Lancaster University 2 (losing out only on their head to head with the Crocs)

ball from KC Terda

And a few of the many thank-you’s that are owed:

  • To 12 teams of superstars, for showing up and playing in such good spirits throughout the day. Particular mentions here for the two clubs travelling all the way up from England: Northern Storm (looking very strong, despite being only 1 year old!) and Lancaster Uni (a very impressive 3 teams strong, including their team of alumni Ligers).
  • To KC Terda, who not only travelled all the way from Holland, but even presented Dundee with a brand-new, signed-by-everyone, korfball. We shall treasure that. 🙂
  • To Lucie Maupetit, from Edinburgh City, for graciously accepting our last-minute request to manage the results desk, for keeping everyone calm, and for keeping the whole day running to schedule.
  • To the fantastic bunch of people that make up and hang around Dundee Korfball Club, for mucking in throughout the day and making it into success. Particular mentions here must go to:
    • Erwin, for owning a tow-bar, for being on-time at a moment of considerable stress, and for ferrying various people to various places at various point in the day.
    • Mary, for being everywhere and doing everything, always.
    • Ross, Paul, Alan, Jake, Emely, Lauren, the two Carolines and everyone else for bringing equipment and being there nice and early to help to get the tents and signposts etc. set up in the early morning drizzle.
    • Chris, Andy and Fiona for helping Erwin with the shuttle-bus runs.
    • Rosie and Hamish Lloyd, for kidding the tuck-shop all day long, and for only blowing the air-horn at appropriate times!
    • Steven, for magically sorting out some recycling bins for all the rubbish that we generated.
    • Caroline S, for sorting out the press photographer, and generally looking happy.
    • Caroline C, for ‘rousing the crowd with her perfectly timed arrival for the group photo. And then making the Gazebo take off.
    • Philippa, for being the newest kid on the block – 7 straight games playing as a guest for Ed City looked like quite an introduction to Scottish korfball.
    • Nicola, for being our second-newest recruit, and guesting for the Crocs from the fledgling Perth Korfball Club.
    • Eleanor, for traipsing 4 sets of pitch tapes all the way up from Crewe & Nantwich, and once again helping out Dundee’s highest placed team (the mighty Dragons).
    • Lauren, Fiona, Terri, and both Carolines for manning the BBQ and food stalls, and baking their hearts out beforehand.

Full results:

Pool A (20 minute games)
Terda 1-0 Dragons
Ligers 0-8 Terda
Terda 9-1 Glasgow
EdUni1 0-3 Terda
Terda 5-0 Lanc2
Lanc2 1-2 Ligers
Dragons 1-1 Glasgow
Ligers 3-1 EdUni1
Glasgow 4-1 Lanc2
Dragons 0-3 EdUni1
EdUni1 3-2 Glasgow
Lanc2 1-2 EdUni1
Lanc2 1-3 Dragons
Ligers 1-0 Dragons
Glasgow 0-2 Ligers
Pool B (20 minute games)
Storm 2-1 Crocs
Saints 6-1 Storm
Storm 1-2 EdCity
EdUni2 2-1 Storm
Storm 1-5 Lanc1
Lanc1 0-1 Saints
Crocs 1-5 EdCity
Saints 1-2 EdUni2
EdCity 3-1 Lanc1
Crocs 1-5 EdUni2
EdUni2 1-2 EdCity
Lanc1 1-3 EdUni2
Lanc1 4-1 Crocs
Saints 1-2 Crocs
EdCity 2-3 Saints
Places 1-4 (30 minute games)
Terda 7-3 Ed Uni 2
Ligers 4-2 Ed City
Ed Uni 2 3-1 Ligers
Ed City 0-6 Terda
Places 5-8 (30 minute games)
Ed Uni 1 3-1 Lanc 1
Dragons 7-6 Saints
Lanc 1 3-4 Dragons
Saints 5-2 Ed Uni 1
Places 9-12 (30 minute games)
Glasgow 4-0 Crocs
Lanc 2 7-3 Storm
Crocs 3-2 Lanc 2
Storm 5-0* Glasgow

Skills Awards for Dundee’s Youngsters

DKC's youth players receive their Level 1 Skills Awards (23/12/2013)

DKC’s youth players receive their Level 1 Skills Awards (19/12/2013)

Christmas came early for ten young members of Dundee Korfball Club, who received their SKA Level 1 Korfball Skills Awards on December 19, 2013.  Some of the club’s youngsters have been playing regularly for the past 18 months – that’s longer than many of our adult players – and have stuck with the sport through thick and thin – with record highs and lows in the youth section’s attendance figures of 10 and 1!

To earn their awards, each player has successfully demonstrated all of the basic skills of korfball over a time course of several weeks to several months. The skills tested include passing and catching, marking and evading, shooting, defending, taking support positions and playing as part of a team. They also had to demonstrate good sporting behaviour, and generally help the coaches to run each session smoothly.  Not all of the players can do all of these things perfectly all of the time, of course, but their coaches will be working to improve on that, and build them up to Level 2 in the future.

Dundee Day 2014 – Summer Tournament Plan

DKC ST CupNEW: the provisional schedule for Dundee Day 2014 is now available (click here for PDF)
We are planning to hold our third annual Summer tournament on Sunday, May 25th, 2014. It will be a one day event, open to teams from everywhere… teams from existing clubs, cobbled together teams of friends, and maybe even a few cobbled together teams of people who’ve never played together before too. Just like last year, the event is scheduled for “the day after” St. Andrews’ magnificent beach tournament, so we are hoping that quite a few of the beach teams (one beach team = 2 boys + 2 girls) will hang around and pair up to form full teams (4 boys + 4 girls) on Dundee Day.

Anyone who’s interested in either entering a team, or just coming along and playing for a scratch team, should get in touch with Nigel (07817 640432), email or see the official tournament invite for more details.

Similarly, anyone who is willing to help us run the event (we will need lots of helpers) should make themselves known as soon as possible. You don’t even need to like korfball to be a good helper – a band of volunteers to staff the day-long BBQ and blow the full-time horn would be particularly useful. 😉