Dungeons & Dragons: A Tale of (developing) Two Teams

This is just a little update on the club’s development. As most of you will know, Dundee Korfball Club was only formed last year, so it is still in its infancy. But like all infants, it is growing fast. The club was very lucky to be allowed into the Scottish Korball League as a development team for the 2011/12 season, and also to get so much help from both Glasgow and Mavs in our early games (both teams lending us the odd player when we were short, Glasgow lending us some posts to train with, and Mavs letting us join them and form Maverdee for the EIKT 2012). We faired pretty well through that first season, and decided to go it alone and enter a fully fledged team in this year’s League. At time we entered the 2012/13 season, we had more than enough players for one team, but not quite enough to justify two. But now, just a few months later, we think that we might be ready…

Without wanting to count any ckickens before they hatch, it’s looking quite likely that Dundee will end up in the top half of the League by the time of this year’s mid-season split (the top 6 and bottom 6 teams will split at the end of January, and will only play teams in their own half in the second part of the season). If that happens, it’s going to lead to a pretty tough (and potentially quite demoralising) string of matches for Dundee which, while potentially being quite good for some of us (in terms of development), will not be much fun for those of us who are sort of “on the fringe” of playing competitively. The solution to this seems pretty obvious, of course: It’s time for Dundee to form a second team. We think that we have enough players, and we think that most of them (a) are ready and (b) will really enjoy playing in more (full) competitive matches, rather than just coming in as subs for the odd part of a game. So we’ve written off to the SKA and asked if we would be allowed to field a second team in the bottom half of the league from January on. The application is still being considered formally, but the unofficial response was that we will probably be given the go-ahead to enter a second team (possibly as another development team). The development status would be a great bonus actually, because development teams are allowed to borrow players whenever they are short – the only downfall being that they don’t get points to win the league.

So, the big questions for now are (a) who would like to play, and (b) what would you like our new team to be called? Let’s face it, Dundee 1 and Dundee 2 sound a bit boring. In the past, we’ve played around with ideas based on Crocodiles (Dundee Crocodiles…get it?) and Dragons (of which, I believe, there still is one “in them there hills”, if not in the city centre). But maybe there are other (more imaginative) ideas out there in the club? Please let us know your thoughts, and please, please, please help us out as we try to expand through the rest of the season (and beyond).

Community Chest Competition

DKC has registered for a chance to win £500 in The Evening Telegraph’s Community Chest competition. All that we have to do is collect as many Community Chest tokens as we can over the next 10 weeks. Tokens will be printed on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays in the Evening Telegraph, from now until November 10. Please cut them out and keep them to add to the collection box that we will be putting in a local shop / community centre sometime soon. Many thanks!

SKL announces provisional league fixtures for 2012/13

The provisional schedule for the SKL 2012/13 has been released, and sees Dundee pitted against 11 other teams across 6 multi-game-venues. Our games are spread out fairly evenly between Sept 23 and Nov 25, and include 2 home fixtures (possibly 3, if we can convince Mavs to come up here to play in a 3-way MGV). Full details* are included in our events calendar.

* As the schedule is only provisional at this stage (I’ve guessed the game-times based on last year’s programme, for example), please remember that all games are subject to change.

A jump start for youth korfball in Dundee

Thank you letter

I love korfball

Over the past few months, a small bunch of dedicated korfaholics have been trying to kick-start youth korfball in the Dundee area. Working with the Active Schools Coordinators for 10 primary schools (and one High School), we have managed to deliver taster sessions to over 700 kids in and around Dundee between April and June of 2012. We also managed to run a fledgling after schools club in Birkhill for 6 weeks, just before the start of the Summer holidays.

The main outcome of all this activity was the formation of DKCs own junior section, which is now up and running every Thursday evening at the Ardler Complex (from 5:30-6:30pm). Continue reading

News from Holland

The original article: http://www.koogzaandijk.nl/index.php?id=4744

Scotland: Erwin Oosterhoorn, son of our Cees who is on the mend, has lived for years in Scotland, in Dundee, to be exact and he has since contributed to the creation of DKC, the Dundee Korfball Club, who immediately started enthusiastically. They play in the Scottish league and recently organized the first tournament with six teams. A website should not be missed, of course, so if you want to know more click here. Because of its association with Erwin a forthcoming separate article can appear on our website. Besides, a bunch of students from Edinburgh University Korfball Club made ​​a perfect recruitment clip. That you have to see, click here!

OK, I have roughly translated this to make it easier to read. I have since sent an article over but want to sent a detailed report of the tournament to see if there is anyone that is interested in coming over next year.

DundeeDay 2012 (27/5/12)

Plans are coming together nicely for our inaugural Summer Tournament (Sunday, May 27, 2012). We have a total of 6 teams entered, so we’ve opted for a simple round-robin format: each team will play every other team once in a series of 30-minute matches in Dawson Park (DD5 1PJ). Start time is 11am, last game ends at 4:30pm. And the best news of all? Dundee have enough players for 2 teams! See the preliminary DundeeDay 2012 schedule (PDF) for more details.

SKA AGM proposals

A short message from the SKA, asking for feedback on 3 topics at their AGM: please feel free to write comments below, or forward your views to Nigel or Mary, who will be representing the club at the AGM.

The AGM is looming, and the SKA has three significant proposals to put before the meeting, relating to a change in the league structure, an introduction of a cup competition, and payment for refs. These proposals are attached [follow the blue links to three MS Word documents]…
In order to keep the debate to a manageable length, the plan is for the meeting to discuss and vote only on the proposals put before it, rather than proposing their own amendments or innovations, so if you can think of a tweak or two that would improve the plans then please let us know now. Any other comment welcome too.

From Josh Cockburn, SKA Development Officer

Plans for Youth Korfball

Youth Korfball

Youth Korfball

Just a little update on our plans to bring youth korfball to the area. We now have a definite start date, and we are getting support from several Active Schools coordinators, so things look very promising. The planned outcome includes two “feeder” clubs, leading up to a combined Thursday evening (5:30-6:30pm) youth section at the Ardler Complex.

One feeder club will be based at Craigowl Primary, most likely starting on May 17 (every Thursday for 5 weeks, from 4:30 to 5:15pm). The other one will be at Birkhill Primary from 6pm to 7pm on Tuesday evenings, starting on May 8 (every Tuesday for 6 weeks). We will be runnig a series of taster sessions in various schools over the next few weeks to pump prime the two feeder clubs (see events diary for dates).

A flyer (and parental consent form) for the combined Thursday-evening club is available here: A Jump Start for Youth Korfball in Dundee.

We hope that these developments will be of interest to lots of kids and families, and look forward to making it all work out. If anyone would like to volunteer to help in any way, please get in touch with the club’s youth development officer (me!) a.s.a.p.
Nigel Cooper
Chair & YDO, Dundee Korfball Club
07817 640432

Training update: new time & place, as of 19/4/12

Well, the season is over, and FINALLY there are a few sports-hall slots opening up that will allow us to go back to mid-week training sessions. The best one that we’ve come across for most people is from 6:30pm to 8:00pm every Thursday evening. This is at the Ardler Complex (Turnberry Avenue, Dundee, DD2 3TP).

There is also the possibility for us to start a junior section up at Ardler immediately before the adults train, and we are really keen to make this happen. If anybody knows of any young people that would be interested in learning to play korfball, please let Nigel know asap – the most likely time for this would be 5:30pm – 6:30pm on Thursday evenings.

The first Thursday evening training session for adults will be on April 19th.

End of season party, awards and AGM (5/5/12)

An evening to relax, to reflect on progress in year 1, and to make plans for year 2 of Dundee Korfball Club. We may well have a few drinks (to celebrate, of course), and perhaps the odd party game or two, but the main features of the evening will be electing a new committee (always helped by a few drinks), and handing out our first year’s club awards. Start time 6:30pm, end time to suit. Hopefully the AGM will be all over and done within an hour, and then the party can take over (maybe even a BBQ if the weather is nice). Further details from Nigel or Mary, who will be hosting in sunny Auchterhouse.

Please let us know if you would be interested on being on the committee even if you can’t make it to the party/AGM: posts to fill will include chair, secretary, treasurer, social sec, development officer and coaching coordinator.