SKA AGM & end of season party (28/4/12)

A note from Rosy Nolan, the SKA secretary…
Two important events are coming up on the 28th April: the SKA AGM and the SKA end of season party.
The AGM is at 11am in classroom 2.D.10 at Napier Sighthill, before the final set of matches in the league. All clubs are encouraged to attend or to at least have a representative present. We will be electing the new SKA committee, discussing any issues that have arisen throughout the year, and importantly, voting on next season’s league structure.
The SKA party will be held at Ghillie Dhu in Edinburgh at 7pm. Tickets are £25 per person which includes a three course meal (menus to follow), live music after food and a DJ until 3am. It would be really helpful if each club collected money from people and gave in a single cheque made payable to the SKA, or to make a transfer email for the details. It’s a great way to celebrate the end of a really successful season.
It would be great to have as many people as possible at both events – and the matches in between. Please reply with numbers interested in attending the party by the 5th April.
So, anyone up for a party? Please let Nigel or Mary know asap and we’ll order some tickets / pass the numbers along.

Lottery funding

A4A logoWhahey! Awards for All (Scotland) have come up trumps for us: they are providing us with £7250 to fund our first-year development project “A jump start for korfball in Dundee”. The project will help us to expand the adult section of our club, as well as to develop youth korfball in areas in and around Dundee. Most of the funding will be used to buy new equipment (including 8 new posts and 16 balls in various sizes), but there are also substantial contributions towards hall hire, advertising, coaching, and both coach and referee development.

Progress update, and forming a committee

Well, quite a few people have been in touch over the past few weeks, including several who have played korfball before, and several who have only just learned the name of the game. So things are looking good as far as being able to get a club up and running in time for the forthcoming season. All that we need to do now is to make the club official, form an inaugural committee, and prepare to start playing korfball.

So who’s up for that? Please have a look at the club’s draft “rules and constitution” (PDF link here), have a little think about whether you could offer your services as one of the club’s inaugural officers, and let us know if you’d like to play korfball for Dundee.

As soon as we get a chairperson, a secretary and a treasurer (i.e. three seperate people to fill the three main positions on the committee), I think that we’ll be good to go. If we can fill more positions than this, then all the better (other posts include coaching, development and social coordinators, child protection officer, team manager/captain(s) and vice-chairperson).

I’m happy to put myself forward for any of the positions, so we really only need two more people to say something similar, and then we’re in business. 🙂

Please sign yourselves up a.s.a.p. – our first season in the Scottish Korfball League could be less than 2 months away!