Dundee Day 2014 – Summer Tournament Plan

DKC ST CupNEW: the provisional schedule for Dundee Day 2014 is now available (click here for PDF)
We are planning to hold our third annual Summer tournament on Sunday, May 25th, 2014. It will be a one day event, open to teams from everywhere… teams from existing clubs, cobbled together teams of friends, and maybe even a few cobbled together teams of people who’ve never played together before too. Just like last year, the event is scheduled for “the day after” St. Andrews’ magnificent beach tournament, so we are hoping that quite a few of the beach teams (one beach team = 2 boys + 2 girls) will hang around and pair up to form full teams (4 boys + 4 girls) on Dundee Day.

Anyone who’s interested in either entering a team, or just coming along and playing for a scratch team, should get in touch with Nigel (07817 640432), email tourny@dundee.korfball.org.uk. or see the official tournament invite for more details.

Similarly, anyone who is willing to help us run the event (we will need lots of helpers) should make themselves known as soon as possible. You don’t even need to like korfball to be a good helper – a band of volunteers to staff the day-long BBQ and blow the full-time horn would be particularly useful. 😉

Christmas Hat Korfball Tournament (22/12/13, 2pm)

Dundee Korfball Club would like to invite anyone and everyone who would like to play in a friendly mini-tournament in Dundee on Sunday, December 22nd, 2013. We’ve booked the Douglas sports hall in Dundee (same place as last year) from 2pm to 4pm.

The event may have a slightly festive theme this time around, as it will probably be cold. Players are advised to wear hats. Festive ones. Home-made festive ones, ideally. There may well be a prize for the best hat on show.

Once again, we’re not looking for complete teams to come and play competitively, just for as many people as we can get to have a bit of fun. Teams will be drawn from a (festive?) hat at the beginning of the day (please arrive by 1:45pm to draw your team). There will be an entry fee of £5 per player to cover hall hire costs.

Can anyone who would like join in the fun please get back to me (nigel@korfball.org.uk) asap – the sooner we can finalize numbers, the sooner we can confirm and/or shorten the hall booking, etc. Many thanks and Merry Christmas!

DKC’s trip to the Netherlands

August 23-26, 2013: Nine players from Dundee Korfball Club trundled over to the Netherlands this weekend to play in a friendly tournament at Etten Leur. It was Etten-Leur’s 40th anniversary tournament, and a real eye-opener for most of our players, with over 60 teams coming together from all over the place (Holland, Belgium and Scotland!) to play in a single event. Most of the teams were juniors, ranging in age from about 5 to 18, but there were also at least 20 adult teams, ranging from recreational (that was us!) to “competitive”. There was certainly a lot of talent on show, anway.

On the Friday night, Dundee were invited over to train with a bunch of young players from Roosendaal korfball club, where Emely Paul comes from (Emely was our tenth player, and our official translator for the weekend – many thanks for all your efforts, Emely!). Roosendaal’s team included Emely’s “little” brother and sister, both of whom were taller than most of our home-grown players, despite still being just teenagers!). Dundee played their usual mix of organised chaos, but gave the young guns a good run around before being sent on our way with what sounded like a farewell chant of “How-do” – is this Dutch for tatty-bye, Emely? Then it was back off to the hotel in Etten Leur for a welcome night’s sleep.

Saturday morning started with a traditional “international” breakfast, including lots of croissants, pain-au-chocolat, and tasty pastries from the local “Turkish bakery” (well found, Terri), plus the obligatory cup of coffee and fresh orange juice from the hotel bar. Then it was off to the tournament itself: in our case, as part of a 5-team recreational competition with Etten Leur (who beat us 4-0), Keep Fit (a bunch of more mature players from the Roosendaal club, who beat us 4-0), Terda (a Belgian team that we just scraped a 2-1 win from), and Appels “olds” (another “mature” Belgian team that we beat 2-0). Despite only winning 2 games, and ending up with a goal difference of minus 5, Dundee actually won it’s FIRST EVER silverware in this competition. That wasn’t too hard, as I think almost everyone went home with a trophy, but the fact that it was for SECOND PLACE was a real shock to everyone. Jake (my eldest son, guesting for Dundee for the weekend) eventually convinced us that this was the correct result though, because several teams probably ended up tied on points at the end of the day, and the final rankings were decided on head-to-head results, with our two victories over the Belgian teams proving decisive.

On Sunday we were (thankfully!) entered in the lowest of 5 pools, and were again scheduled to play against ELKV and 2 Belgian teams (AKC and Ekerse). We were all expecting our opponents to be much stronger than the day before, and (truthfully) to get tonked in every game, especually when we saw the level of the competition in the other pools. Our worries began to subside once our first game got underway though, with the team finally starting to find it’s shooting boots and coming out with a very respectable 4-4 draw with ELKV 1. The second game was much tougher, but ended with an even better result. And by tougher, I really mean tougher: AKC 1 had a couple of extremely physical players (both male and female), and sadly in the end our innocent by-stander, Fiona, ended up getting badly winded (and unable to continue playing) when AKC’s biggest boy clashed pretty violently with Paul. The ref was right to give a penalty decision against Paul in this instance (cos that’s what the AKC guy was playing for), but as we were winning the game by just one goal at that point, and it was virtually the last minute of the match, we were all a bit gutted (Fiona quite lirterally). As fate would have it though, the Belgian guy unexpectedly missed his penalty, so the ref then blew his whistle for full time, and we ended up winning the game by 5 goals to 4. Our final match of the pool-stage was a much cleaner game against a really nice Belgian side from Ekerse. With Fiona now out, we had to play this with just 7 players (our opponents kindly agreed to play with 7 too, to make the match a bit fairer), but we probably had our best game of the tournament: six out of our seven players ended up scoring, and we came out on top by 8-3. And so we finished the day at the top of our pool, and were drawn in the final up against AKC1 again!

The final was a memorable affair for everyone involved. Thanks to Emely, we managed to scrounge a couple of ELKV girls (Marie-Louise & Marianne) to stand in and play two halves for Fiona. The Dutch girls helped us to maintain a little bit of discipline and order to our attacks, despite what was really quite a chaotic game – we would have been severely punished if we’d been forced to play with one player short. The discipline proved to be vital, as AKC came into this game in very much the same manner that they’d finished their previous one with us. One of their players was having a real tantrum right from the start, complaining that we were playing dirty and that the ref was on our side, but to be honest, that’s definitely not the way that anybody else saw it. The ref was a very experienced guy from ELKV, and he did all that he could to keep this guy under control (without sending him off). In truth, the only thing that the guy’s mis-behaviour did was to disrupt his own team’s play. I was really, really proud of all the Dundonians (natives and guests alike) for keeping calm and “just playing korfball”, because that was all that we needed to do to come out as comfortable winners of this game. And winning the game (final score 5-2) was all that we needed to do to WIN ANOTHER TROPHY – Dundee’s first ever FIRST PLACE in a competition! Whooopeeeeeee!

Oh, and then we went back to our hotel, and slept very, very, soundly. Or am I imagining that bit? 🙂

Results & Dundee’s scorers:

Keep Fit 4-0 DKC
DKC 2-1 Terda (Steven, 1P; Terri, 1)
DKC 2-0 Appels (Jake, 1; Mary, 1)

ELKV 4-4 DKC (Jake, 2; Nigel, 1; Paul, 1)
AKC 4-5 DKC (Alan,1; Fiona, 1; Jake, 1; Mary, 2)
DKC 8-3 Ekerse (Jake, 2; Mary, 2; Chris, 1; Paul, 1; Nigel, 1; Emely, 1)

Final: DKC 5-2 AKC (Mary, 2; Emely, 2; Jake, 1)

Upcoming events (June 2013)

Various “unusal” events are planned for June, currently scheduled as follows:

  • June 6  (Thursday):
    • No junior session tonight: Ardler are hosting a big basketball tournament
    • Adult training outdoors at Magdalen Green from 6:30 to 7:30pm.
  • June 9 (Sunday):
    • WestFest Development Event: Come and Try Session at Magdalen Green (1-6pm)
  • June 13 (Thursday):
    • Normal training recommences at Ardler
    • 5:30-6:30pm for juniors.
    • 6:30-8:00pm for adults.
  • June 15 (Saturday):
    • Scottish Schools Open Championship at DISC, 1:00 – 4:00pm

Korfball on BB2 radio

Did you hear all the buzz around the 3 minute interview that assistant coach and Norwich Knights player Ross Lenton had on the Chris Evans Breakfast show? If anyone has a mp3 file with the interview can they share it with us.
Let’s hope that all korfball clubs are getting a boost from this.

Edit: I have now got the MP3 file with the 3 minute interview, enjoy!


Dundee Day 2013 – Summer Tournament Plan

DKC ST CupUPDATE: click here for programme
We are planning to hold our second annual Summer tournament on Sunday, May 26th, 2013. It will be a one day event, open to teams from everywhere… teams from existing clubs, cobbled together teams of friends, and maybe even a few cobbled together teams of people who’ve never played together before too. Just like last year, the event is scheduled for “the day after” St. Andrews’ magnificent beach tournament, so we are hoping that quite a few of the beach teams (one beach team = 2 boys + 2 girls) will hang around and pair up to form full teams (4 boys + 4 girls) on Dundee Day.

Anyone who’s interested in either entering a team, or just coming along and playing for a scratch team, should get in touch with Nigel (07817 640432), email tourny@dundee.korfball.org.uk. or see the official DKC tournament invitation for more details.

Similarly, anyone who is willing to help us run the event (we will need lots of helpers) should make themselves known as soon as possible. You don’t even need to like korfball to be a good helper – a band of volunteers to staff the day-long BBQ and blow the full-time horn would be particularly useful. 😉

Amy’s Farewell Tournament

WP_000026 (2)What a day. Douglas Sport Centre, midday, Sunday, January 13th, and what’s this? Ed. City are here already! But where are the Dundonians? Don’t worry, Noggin Nog, they’ll be here. Sometime soon, perhaps? And so the day began…

I needn’t have worried too much though. Dundee did turn up, most of them just after 12:30, and the most important one of all was amongst them. Our beloved Amy, who only started playing korfball last year (51 weeks ago, to be exact), was here to say goodbye. Despite her meek and mild manner (at least while sober), Amy has been a bit of a trooper for Dundee – always willing to play for us, no matter whether we were at home or away, or how far out of our depth we were going to be. There was to be none of that today though: anyone who was going to be out of their depth today was going to be in a nice warm cuddly team with someone big and grown up who could paddle them to safety. Amy would be a Quokka (it was decided), and Quokka’s live on islands where nobody lets them drown. Erwin was going to be a Quokka too (that was only fair). Nigel, Paul and Wendy were going to be Kangaroos (boing, boing). Pete and Kirsty would be Kiwis (well, somebody had to be), while Fiona, Michael, Shane and Caroline snapped their way into the Crocodile’s squad. The Kakapos ended up with slightly more than their fair share of Dundonians (Steven, Alan, Ross, Terri and Mary), but no-one was going to complain.

Lots of running around was done just before the kick-off, Mary sorting out the sorting-hats (eat your heart out, JK Rowling), Michael penning in the teams, and yours truly stealing all the money. Terri, Steve and their little team of helpers seemed to take charge of the posts and court markings, and all of a sudden we were ready go. The first game got underway just after 1pm, and umpteen matches were battled out back-to-back, in true Scottish korfball style. Not that many people were playing back to back, of course. On occasions, I do believe that I even saw some people (who were generally facing the right way) scoring some goals. And the referees apparently agreed: the scores came in every 17 minutes, on the dot, and the dot was feeling quite happy about that. Just to prove that it really was happening, here are some of the figures: 2-0, 2-4, 2-2, 1-4, 0-4, 0-5 (can you spot the pattern developing here?)… As the competition started to draw to a close, people suddenly started to realise that none of the scores really mattered anyway, and all that there was left to play for was pride (and beauty). Mary sank the final goal of the day for the Kakapos, and the contest was over. The Kangaroos had won, but only on points… the Quokka’s won the quiz (but only on points!)… and the Kakapos, Kiwis, Crocodiles and Quokkas shared the honours in the (harshly judged) beauty stakes – whatever happened to age before beauty?

All in all, the day turned out to be a huge success (he says, in ever such a humble tone). Forty korfers from all over the country had turned up (just on the off chance), magically managing to balance out in gender (21 girls, 19 boys – amazing!), and magically managing to get along with each other just fine. The only downers for the day were Lucie’s ankle giving way when she landed on someone else’s foot (Lucie had forgotten how Kangaroos are meant to bounce), and Alan ending up with a busted gum (none of us even knew that flightless birds had gums, TBH). With any luck though, all of the injuries will mend, and people will take away only the good memories. Amy will, for sure… we got her a mug with a photo of all our mugs on as her farewell present.

Bon voyage, Amy!

For the joy of korf (“and the winners are…”)

It is with great sadness that Dundee Korfball Club is forced to announce that…

Joy of Korf

For the Joy of Korf

The winner of this month’s Joy of Korf Award is none other than Alan Morrison! Whoopee, and well done Alan (that really was a great party!).

And just for the record, previous winners of the prestigious JoK award include:

  • June – Tanjeel Maleque for the sensational pub quiz extravaganza
  • July – Michael Nicholson for helping Nigel with the juniors sessions
  • August – Fiona Ianetta for her positive attitude at training and games
  • September – Terri Lloyd for her hard work on tactics in training
  • October – Emely Paul for attending the referees course and taking her first steps in refereeing within the SKL
  • November – Mary Cooper for generally being “super”, and for winning 2 MVPs in one day

Korfmas Hats at junior training, 13/12/12

Also, in related news, the club is delighted to announce that its first ever Korfmas Hat competition has been won by Rosie Lloyd, who proudly paraded her home-made hat throughout the final juniors training session of the year. Well done Rosie!