Shirts & Hoodies

They’re here! Well, some of them are here, at least. Yes folks, our first official team kit has arrived: including a bunch of small Adidas tops, a selection of blue and grey hoodies, and some nice fresh bibs to train in.

Many thanks to Breedon Aggregates for funding the team kit, and to Mary and Alan for sorting the orders out. Now, if only we could play as smartly as we’ll look…

Anyone who would like a shirt or hoodie for themselves should contact Mary for pricing and availability.

SKA AGM & end of season party (28/4/12)

A note from Rosy Nolan, the SKA secretary…
Two important events are coming up on the 28th April: the SKA AGM and the SKA end of season party.
The AGM is at 11am in classroom 2.D.10 at Napier Sighthill, before the final set of matches in the league. All clubs are encouraged to attend or to at least have a representative present. We will be electing the new SKA committee, discussing any issues that have arisen throughout the year, and importantly, voting on next season’s league structure.
The SKA party will be held at Ghillie Dhu in Edinburgh at 7pm. Tickets are £25 per person which includes a three course meal (menus to follow), live music after food and a DJ until 3am. It would be really helpful if each club collected money from people and gave in a single cheque made payable to the SKA, or to make a transfer email for the details. It’s a great way to celebrate the end of a really successful season.
It would be great to have as many people as possible at both events – and the matches in between. Please reply with numbers interested in attending the party by the 5th April.
So, anyone up for a party? Please let Nigel or Mary know asap and we’ll order some tickets / pass the numbers along.

Dundee Day – Summer Tournament (27/5/12)

We are planning to hold our first ever Summer tournament on Sunday, May 27. It will be a one day event, open to teams from everywhere… teams from existing clubs, cobbled together teams of friends, and probably a few cobbled together teams of people who’ve never played together before too. The event is scheduled for the day after St. Andrews’ magnificent beach tournament, so we are hoping that quite a few of the beach teams (one beach team = 2 boys + 2 girls) will hang around and pair up to form full teams (4 boys + 4 girls) on Dundee Day.

Anyone who’s interested in either entering a team, or just coming along and playing for a scratch team, should get in touch with Nigel (07817 640432) for more details, or email

Similarly, anyone who is willing to help us run the event (we will need lots of helpers) should make themselves known as soon as possible. You don’t even need to like korfball to be a good helper. 😉

Upcoming Events (Jan/Feb)

Upcoming events in Jan/Feb that need your support:
1 – training – every Sunday, 6-7pm, at Menzieshill. 🙂
2 – social – Jan 21st, 7pm on, house-warming party at Nigel & Mary’s place 🙂 🙂
3 – tournament – Jan 28/29th – at Sighthill in Edinburgh (includes ceilidh)
4 – SKL fixture – Feb 12 – DKC vs. St Andrews 1 (6pm at Menzieshill)
5 – SKL fixture – Feb 19 – Ed. City & Ed. Uni vs DKC (2:30-5:30pm in St Leonard’s at Edinburgh Uni)
6 – SKL fixture – Sat, Feb 25, 11am – Mavs vs DKC (at Sighthill in Edinburgh)
Post a comment here, or just let Nigel/Mary know, if you can make it to any of these (especiallly numbers 2 to 6).

Time for some team shirts?

Anyone up for running before they can walk? With a club membership currently standing at 10 people, and a very promising start to the season, perhaps we should start thinking about some club kit? Here’s my own vision in pink just to get you thinking. Whether you love it, hate it, or don’t really care one-way-or-the-other, please sign yourselves up as registered users of the website and post any comments and suggestions below…

Announcing the Dundee Korf Special: Route #1

It seems that the buses around Dundee aren’t doing a particularly good job at getting people to our training sessions…

So let’s make our own: as of next week, Mary & I will be happy to give lifts to up to 3 people to and from training…
Route 1, with a capacity of 3 very friendly people, will depart from the junction of Blackness Rd and Rosefield Street at 7:40pm, and return shorty after training ends. Be there, or be stranded? Just call/text/email Nigel to arrange / prebook your journey!