End of Season Stats

So, the 2011/12 season is finally over, and the official stats for our first season are in. And guess what? We won the development league – yipeee! Mary came out as top scorer and most frequent MVP in the three team development league as well, which is no mean feat for someone who looks so young and new to the game. 🙂 It’s also impressive just how many real Dundee players there are up there near the top of the stats tables (as well as how many of our players managed to score at least one goal in their first season): well done everyone!

PS: I know that the stats for everyone aren’t quite right, and the MVP system has many flaws, but the overall picture is a very promising one, and the guy who’s been in charge of the leagues this year – Simon from Mavs – has done a brilliant (though somewhat thankless) job.

Team Played W D L GF GA GD Points
Dundee 1 17 6 3 8 83 126 -43 15
Ed Uni 4 20 5 1 14 80 193 -113 11
Glasgow 2 11 3 1 7 50 78 -28 7

MVPs (Development League)
Mary Cooper Dundee 6
Andrew Burnie Ed Uni 4 4
Rosie Henshaw Dundee 3
Dan Brown Glasgow 2 2
Nigel Cooper Dundee 2
Brian Shaw Ed Uni 4 2
Steve Gilchrist Dundee 1
Scott Riley Ed Uni 4 1
Louise Ed Uni 4 1
Gavin Grant Ed Uni 4 1
Martin Gibson Glasgow 2 1
Naomi Dickson Glasgow 2 1
Laura Henderson Glasgow 2 1
Brendan Sage Dundee 1
Lucie Maupett Glasgow 2 1
Leah Danman Ed Uni 4 1
Marta Riba Singla Ed Uni 4 1
Kris MacMillan Ed Uni 4 1
Rachael Brown Dundee 1
Alex Hahn Ed Uni 4 1
Rob Lee Ed Uni 4 1
Kevin Touret-Lacan Ed Uni 4 1
Jenna Connoly Ed Uni 4 1
Max Wartelle Ed Uni 4 1


Scorers (Development League)
Mary Cooper Dundee 15
Nigel Cooper Dundee 13
Rosie Henshaw Dundee 11
Rachael Brown Dundee 10
Zane Pennock Ed Uni 4 5
Andrew Brunie Ed Uni 4 5
Gavin Legg Dundee 5
Kevin Touret-Lacan Ed Uni 4 5
Rooz Kalatch Ed Uni 4 5
Scott Riley Ed Uni 4 4
Jack Dunon Ed Uni 4 4
Claire Bridges Ed Uni 4 3
Max Wartelle Ed Uni 4 3
Ella Paul Ed Uni 4 3
Jenna Connoly Ed Uni 4 3
Sharon Currie Glasgow 2 2
Brian De Seadhach Ed Uni 4 2
Dan Brown Glasgow 2 2
Naomi Dickson Glasgow 2 2
Brendan Sage Dundee 2
Rob Lee Ed Uni 4 2
Paul Shields Ed Uni 4 2
Caroline Cohen Dundee 2
Marta Riba Singla Ed Uni 4 2
Steve Anderson Glasgow 2 2
Eleanor Legg Dundee 2
Laura Henderson Glasgow 2 2
Alan Morrison Dundee 2*
Steven Morrison Dundee 1*
Esther Ed Uni 4 1
Shelby Heard Ed Uni 4 1
Nifin Ed Uni 4 1
Gavin Grant Ed Uni 4 1
Marie Glasgow 2 1
Scott Grieg Dundee 1
Alex Matheson Glasgow 2 1
Kim Glasgow 2 1
Lucie Maupetit Glasgow 2 1
Edwin Goi Ed Uni 4 1
Rhian Haf Morgan Ed Uni 4 1
Kris MacMillan Ed Uni 4 1
Brian Shaw Ed Uni 4 1
Leah Damman Ed Uni 4 1
Alexandra Hahn Ed Uni 4 1
Shane Tornhill Dundee 1
Kitty Dutton Ed Uni 4 1

* – edited in post-hoc by Nigel

4 thoughts on “End of Season Stats

    • A brilliant goal, no doubt! I’ll add it in rght now. The fact that it wasn’t on the official list must mean that there was something wrong with it though, Steven. Just kidding. The real reason that it will have slipped through the net (no pun intended) is more likely that no one either completed, or sent in, a match form for that game. I’m sure that there will be a few other slight inconsistencies in the official stats, but the general picture is certainly nice for Dundee.

  1. Thanks for adding in my goal v ed city as well. (insert joke about being ahead of Steve In the scoring charts here) ((both goals from open play as well))

  2. Yes guys, well done. I see that I joined just to late to even have one goal on the scoring sheet. It does mean that I am looking forward to see how we rate against some of the other teams now the team start to fill up with more regular players. Season 2012 – bring it on!

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