EIKT 2013 report


Sighthill Sports Centre, Edinburgh

26th – 27th January 2013

The team (UEA Game)

The team (UEA Game)

With Dundee still celebrating the news that they will finish in the top half of the Scottish League this season, attention turned to the first tournament of the season, the Edinburgh International.  A well-established fixture in the Scottish calendar, the International generally attracts some big names from the korfing world.  One look at Dundee’s group showed, ominously, that this was the case again this year.

A quick reshuffle of the selected teams preceded Dundee’s first match, against the Scottish national team, with Michael Nicholson drafted in to replace Erwin Oosterhorn, who was running late.  The Scottish internationals never really hit top gear but their performance was electric enough to dispatch Tayside’s finest, 5-1, with Nigel Cooper scoring a terrific long shot to provide some consolation.

The next opposition, Oxford University, proved to be more of an equal match.  Nigel Cooper again popped up with a long shot in the first minute but, despite spells of sustained pressure, Dundee were unable to capitalise and failed to grab a second.  Somewhat inevitably, the Oxford students equalised with less than a minute to go to the secure the draw.

A heavy defeat to Lancaster University followed, though the final scoreline (6-1) was more an indictment of Dundee’s shooting than of their general play.  Rattled by some debatable decisions awarded against them, the Dundonians nonetheless played some nice korfball but, as against Oxford University, simply couldn’t put the ball through the korf when given the opportunity; Nigel Cooper’s third goal of the day proved scant consolation.

A tactical masterclass from the Original Ruff Shakers (of Norwich) came next; Dundee were never really able to cope with the speed and technique of last year’s runners-up and succumbed to a 7-1 loss.  The name Cooper was on the scoresheet yet again, though this time it was Mary Cooper who pierced the Norfolk team’s defence with a hard-earned running in shot.

Day one ended with another loss to an experienced Edinburgh University Alumni team.  Despite both Nigel and Mary- the “Super Coopers”- chipping in with goals (a long shot and a run-in respectively) Dundee’s leaky defence was breached six times.  The result left Dundee rooted to the bottom of their group and competing in the C Road on day two.

Playing mainly for pride now, Dundee changed things around for the second day, with four replacement players coming in.  There was no time to settle, though, as Edinburgh Mavericks proved to be stiff competition as always.  Paul Grocott’s long goal- the first Dundee goal of the tournament from a person not named Cooper- was a particular highlight of the weekend, but the team from the capital ran out 6-1 winners.

The real highlight came in the next fixture, though, as the Taysiders finally scored their first (and, is it turned out, only) win of the competition, overcoming local rivals St Andrews University 3-2.  Goals from Fiona Iannetta, Alan Morrison and Mary Cooper gave Dundee enough of a cushion to survive a tense last few minutes and guarantee themselves not to finish last.

After a four hour wait, Dundee took to the court one last time to battle the University of East Anglia for 21st place.  Mary Cooper put Dundee ahead early on with a nice run-in shot, but UEA soon pulled ahead.  Dundee continued to apply attacking pressure, but found themselves unable to break through a stubborn UEA defence.  With time running out, Tanjeel Maleque hammered in a shot from way out to level the scores and push the game into a sudden-death penalty shootout.  Only one apiece was needed, though, with Nigel Cooper failing to match his counterpart’s effort, consigning Dundee to 22nd place, ahead of Edinburgh University 3 and St Andrews University.

Dundee did see some representation in the higher levels of the tournament, with Nigel Cooper being the teams’ choice of referee for the final,  following solid performances officiating both earlier in the competition.  Scotland v Original Ruff Shakers, a rematch from the previous day (when the Original Ruff Shakers prevailed 7-2) was fast-paced and physical, featuring two injuries and sixteen goals- the Norwich team once against besting the Scots in a deserved 10-6 victory.

It would be easy to look at this weekend in negative terms, but some clear positives shone through.  For last year’s tournament, Dundee had to team up with the Mavericks due to a lack of players.  This year, not only was there a full complement from Tayside, they were in fact oversubscribed!  Drawn into an exceptionally tough group, the team persevered and never gave up regardless of how large the score-lines got, with every game featuring a Dundee goal.

Our thanks go to Edinburgh University Korfball Club, and especially to Tournament Secretary Poppy Simpson-Wells, for organising the competition.

Dundee 1 v 5 Scotland
Team:   Kirsty Campbell, Terri Lloyd, Nigel Cooper, Michael Nicholson
Caroline Cohen, Mary Cooper, Alan Morrison, Ross Thomson
Goals:   Nigel Cooper
Dundee 1 v 1 Oxford   University
Team:   Emely Paul, Terri Lloyd, Nigel Cooper, Michael Nicholson
Caroline Cohen, Mary Cooper, Erwin Oosterhorn, Ross Thomson
Goals:   Nigel Cooper
Dundee 1 v 6 Lancaster   University
Team:   Kirsty Campbell, Caroline Cohen, Alan Morrison, Erwin Oosterhorn
Terri Lloyd, Emely Paul, Nigel Cooper, Michael Nicholson
Goals:   Nigel Cooper
Dundee 1 v 7 Original   Ruff Shakers
Team:   Kirsty Campbell, Caroline Cohen, Alan Morrison, Erwin Oosterhorn
Mary Cooper, Emely Paul, Michael Nicholson, Ross Thomson
Goals:   Mary Cooper
Dundee 2 v 6 Edinburgh   University Alumni
Team:   Kirsty Campbell, Terri Lloyd, Nigel Cooper, Alan Morrison
Mary Cooper, Emely Paul, Erwin Oosterhorn, Ross Thomson
Goals:   Mary Cooper, Nigel Cooper
Dundee 1 v 6 Edinburgh   Mavericks
Team:   Caroline Cohen, Fiona Iannetta, Nigel Cooper, Tanjeel Maleque
Kirsty Campbell, Shane Thornhill, Paul Grocott, Alan Morrison
Goals:   Paul Grocott
Dundee 3 v 2 St Andrews   University
Team:   Kirsty Campbell, Fiona Iannetta, Nigel   Cooper, Alan Morrison (Michael Nicholson, 9′)
Mary Cooper, Shane Thornhill, Paul Grocott, Tanjeel Maleque
Goals:   Fiona Iannetta, Alan Morrison, Mary Cooper
Dundee 2 v 2 University   of East Anglia
Team:   Mary Cooper, Fiona Iannetta, Nigel Cooper, Michael Nicholson
Caroline Cohen, Shane Thornhill, Paul Grocott, Tanjeel Maleque
Goals:   Mary Cooper, Tanjeel Maleque


Amy’s Farewell Tournament

WP_000026 (2)What a day. Douglas Sport Centre, midday, Sunday, January 13th, and what’s this? Ed. City are here already! But where are the Dundonians? Don’t worry, Noggin Nog, they’ll be here. Sometime soon, perhaps? And so the day began…

I needn’t have worried too much though. Dundee did turn up, most of them just after 12:30, and the most important one of all was amongst them. Our beloved Amy, who only started playing korfball last year (51 weeks ago, to be exact), was here to say goodbye. Despite her meek and mild manner (at least while sober), Amy has been a bit of a trooper for Dundee – always willing to play for us, no matter whether we were at home or away, or how far out of our depth we were going to be. There was to be none of that today though: anyone who was going to be out of their depth today was going to be in a nice warm cuddly team with someone big and grown up who could paddle them to safety. Amy would be a Quokka (it was decided), and Quokka’s live on islands where nobody lets them drown. Erwin was going to be a Quokka too (that was only fair). Nigel, Paul and Wendy were going to be Kangaroos (boing, boing). Pete and Kirsty would be Kiwis (well, somebody had to be), while Fiona, Michael, Shane and Caroline snapped their way into the Crocodile’s squad. The Kakapos ended up with slightly more than their fair share of Dundonians (Steven, Alan, Ross, Terri and Mary), but no-one was going to complain.

Lots of running around was done just before the kick-off, Mary sorting out the sorting-hats (eat your heart out, JK Rowling), Michael penning in the teams, and yours truly stealing all the money. Terri, Steve and their little team of helpers seemed to take charge of the posts and court markings, and all of a sudden we were ready go. The first game got underway just after 1pm, and umpteen matches were battled out back-to-back, in true Scottish korfball style. Not that many people were playing back to back, of course. On occasions, I do believe that I even saw some people (who were generally facing the right way) scoring some goals. And the referees apparently agreed: the scores came in every 17 minutes, on the dot, and the dot was feeling quite happy about that. Just to prove that it really was happening, here are some of the figures: 2-0, 2-4, 2-2, 1-4, 0-4, 0-5 (can you spot the pattern developing here?)… As the competition started to draw to a close, people suddenly started to realise that none of the scores really mattered anyway, and all that there was left to play for was pride (and beauty). Mary sank the final goal of the day for the Kakapos, and the contest was over. The Kangaroos had won, but only on points… the Quokka’s won the quiz (but only on points!)… and the Kakapos, Kiwis, Crocodiles and Quokkas shared the honours in the (harshly judged) beauty stakes – whatever happened to age before beauty?

All in all, the day turned out to be a huge success (he says, in ever such a humble tone). Forty korfers from all over the country had turned up (just on the off chance), magically managing to balance out in gender (21 girls, 19 boys – amazing!), and magically managing to get along with each other just fine. The only downers for the day were Lucie’s ankle giving way when she landed on someone else’s foot (Lucie had forgotten how Kangaroos are meant to bounce), and Alan ending up with a busted gum (none of us even knew that flightless birds had gums, TBH). With any luck though, all of the injuries will mend, and people will take away only the good memories. Amy will, for sure… we got her a mug with a photo of all our mugs on as her farewell present.

Bon voyage, Amy!

Provisional fixture lists (2013)

Just a quick heads-up on our likely SKA fixtures, post-Christmas. Please note that all of these dates are PROVISIONAL, and I’ll be updating the list as and when more info is available.

Also don’t forget our own “farewell tournament” for Amy A and Steve G this weekend (Sunday, Jan 13) and the Edinburgh International Korfball Tournament on the weekend of Jan 26/27. [See Steven Morrison for more details].

weekend beginning
2nd Feb Ed City 1 v Saints 1*
3rd Feb (1-3:30pm) Ed Uni 1 v Dundee 1
9th Feb Glasgow 2 v Ed Uni 3 v Dundee 2
16th Feb Ed City 1 v Mavs
16th Feb Glasgow 1 v Saints 1
23rd Feb Saints 1 v Ed Uni 1
23rd Feb Saints 2 v Glasgow 2 v Ed Uni 2
23rd Feb (4-6pm) Mavs v Dundee 1
2nd Mar Ed City 2 v Ed Uni 3 v Saints 2
2nd Mar Glasgow 1 v Ed Uni 1
2nd Mar Saints 1 v Ed City 1
9th Mar Mavs v Glasgow 1
16th Mar Dundee 1 v Glasgow 1
23rd Mar Ed Uni 1 v Mavs
23rd Mar Ed Uni 2 v Ed Uni 3
23rd Mar Dundee  1 v Ed City 1
30th Mar Dundee 2 v Ed Uni 2 v Ed City 2
30th Mar Ed Uni 1 v Ed City 1
6th Apr Ed City 1 v Glasgow 1
6th Apr Ed City 2 v Glasgow 2
13th Apr Dundee 1 v Saints 1
13th Apr Saints 2 v Dundee 2
20th Apr Mavs v Saints 1
27th Apr CUP

Dungeons & Dragons: A Tale of (developing) Two Teams

This is just a little update on the club’s development. As most of you will know, Dundee Korfball Club was only formed last year, so it is still in its infancy. But like all infants, it is growing fast. The club was very lucky to be allowed into the Scottish Korball League as a development team for the 2011/12 season, and also to get so much help from both Glasgow and Mavs in our early games (both teams lending us the odd player when we were short, Glasgow lending us some posts to train with, and Mavs letting us join them and form Maverdee for the EIKT 2012). We faired pretty well through that first season, and decided to go it alone and enter a fully fledged team in this year’s League. At time we entered the 2012/13 season, we had more than enough players for one team, but not quite enough to justify two. But now, just a few months later, we think that we might be ready…

Without wanting to count any ckickens before they hatch, it’s looking quite likely that Dundee will end up in the top half of the League by the time of this year’s mid-season split (the top 6 and bottom 6 teams will split at the end of January, and will only play teams in their own half in the second part of the season). If that happens, it’s going to lead to a pretty tough (and potentially quite demoralising) string of matches for Dundee which, while potentially being quite good for some of us (in terms of development), will not be much fun for those of us who are sort of “on the fringe” of playing competitively. The solution to this seems pretty obvious, of course: It’s time for Dundee to form a second team. We think that we have enough players, and we think that most of them (a) are ready and (b) will really enjoy playing in more (full) competitive matches, rather than just coming in as subs for the odd part of a game. So we’ve written off to the SKA and asked if we would be allowed to field a second team in the bottom half of the league from January on. The application is still being considered formally, but the unofficial response was that we will probably be given the go-ahead to enter a second team (possibly as another development team). The development status would be a great bonus actually, because development teams are allowed to borrow players whenever they are short – the only downfall being that they don’t get points to win the league.

So, the big questions for now are (a) who would like to play, and (b) what would you like our new team to be called? Let’s face it, Dundee 1 and Dundee 2 sound a bit boring. In the past, we’ve played around with ideas based on Crocodiles (Dundee Crocodiles…get it?) and Dragons (of which, I believe, there still is one “in them there hills”, if not in the city centre). But maybe there are other (more imaginative) ideas out there in the club? Please let us know your thoughts, and please, please, please help us out as we try to expand through the rest of the season (and beyond).

For the joy of korf (“and the winners are…”)

It is with great sadness that Dundee Korfball Club is forced to announce that…

Joy of Korf

For the Joy of Korf

The winner of this month’s Joy of Korf Award is none other than Alan Morrison! Whoopee, and well done Alan (that really was a great party!).

And just for the record, previous winners of the prestigious JoK award include:

  • June – Tanjeel Maleque for the sensational pub quiz extravaganza
  • July – Michael Nicholson for helping Nigel with the juniors sessions
  • August – Fiona Ianetta for her positive attitude at training and games
  • September – Terri Lloyd for her hard work on tactics in training
  • October – Emely Paul for attending the referees course and taking her first steps in refereeing within the SKL
  • November – Mary Cooper for generally being “super”, and for winning 2 MVPs in one day

Korfmas Hats at junior training, 13/12/12

Also, in related news, the club is delighted to announce that its first ever Korfmas Hat competition has been won by Rosie Lloyd, who proudly paraded her home-made hat throughout the final juniors training session of the year. Well done Rosie!

Events over Christmas

Some dates for your diaries over the Christmas period…

December 2012

Thursday 13th, 5:30-6:30pm – last youth session of the year at Ardler
6:30-8:00pm, festive adults session at Ardler (bring a seasonal hat – there may even be a prize for the best one.)

Saturday 15th , evening: Party at Alan’s house. Details from Tanjeel / Alan.

Thursday 20th, 6:30-8:00pm – last adult session of the year at Ardler

January 2013

Thursday 3rd, 5:30-6:30pm – first youth session of the year at Ardler
6:30-8:00pm– first adult session of the year

Tuesday 8th, 6-7:30pm – first session of the year at Craigowl

Sunday 13th, 1-4pm at Douglas Sports Centre (DD4 8TG): Mini tournament to say farewell to Amy & to Steve Gilchrist

Dundee 1 V Ed Mavericks

Last Sunday’s match against the Edinburgh Mavericks resulted in a 4-4 draw. It was a fast paced, hard fought game where we could not hold the initial point advantage. From a 1-0 lead, to a 2-1 lead but beaten back by the Mav’s in the second period. Caroline scored a penalty and a long distance shot, Nigel scored a goal and Steve scored the fourth. All in all a great result. Looking back at the last games, we seem to get a better result, but need to get just one in at the end. Equal scores does not get us to the top 😉