Sunday game in Edinburgh (25-11)

On Sunday we played Ed Uni 2 and Ed Uni 3. After a delay due to problems with the hall booking we went ahead against Ed Uni 2. We managed to keep that game low and ended with 3-3.
After this game we went ahead against there 3rd team. Score opened quickly and within the first 5 minutes we switched ends. This repeated another 2 times before half time. We where up 6-0. After the break we managed another 4 goals, Edinburgh did not have an answer to our play. Final score 0-10 Dundee.
Well done

After School Korfball Clubs starting on Oct 23

We’re all set to start up two new after-schools clubs beginning on October 23…
The first one will be at Birkhill Primary, and is being hosted by the Angus Active Schools Coordinator, Jo Whaite. This one will run from 3:30 to 4:30pm.
The second one is a bit later on, from 6:00 to 7:30pm, and will be hosted by Mark Brash, who is the ASC for the Craigowl cluster in Dundee. These later sessions will be aimed at secondary school kids, but will be held in the main sports hall at Craigowl Primary (download the flyer here).
Anyone wanting any more details for either club should contact Nigel Cooper, DKC’s Youth Development Officer, on 07817 640432.

And don’t forget that our regular youth section is still running every Thursday evening at the Ardler Complex, from 5:30-6:30pm. Everyone is welcome here, and everyone’s first session is completely free of charge.

Community Chest Competition

DKC has registered for a chance to win £500 in The Evening Telegraph’s Community Chest competition. All that we have to do is collect as many Community Chest tokens as we can over the next 10 weeks. Tokens will be printed on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays in the Evening Telegraph, from now until November 10. Please cut them out and keep them to add to the collection box that we will be putting in a local shop / community centre sometime soon. Many thanks!

SKL announces provisional league fixtures for 2012/13

The provisional schedule for the SKL 2012/13 has been released, and sees Dundee pitted against 11 other teams across 6 multi-game-venues. Our games are spread out fairly evenly between Sept 23 and Nov 25, and include 2 home fixtures (possibly 3, if we can convince Mavs to come up here to play in a 3-way MGV). Full details* are included in our events calendar.

* As the schedule is only provisional at this stage (I’ve guessed the game-times based on last year’s programme, for example), please remember that all games are subject to change.

A jump start for youth korfball in Dundee

Thank you letter

I love korfball

Over the past few months, a small bunch of dedicated korfaholics have been trying to kick-start youth korfball in the Dundee area. Working with the Active Schools Coordinators for 10 primary schools (and one High School), we have managed to deliver taster sessions to over 700 kids in and around Dundee between April and June of 2012. We also managed to run a fledgling after schools club in Birkhill for 6 weeks, just before the start of the Summer holidays.

The main outcome of all this activity was the formation of DKCs own junior section, which is now up and running every Thursday evening at the Ardler Complex (from 5:30-6:30pm). Continue reading

News from Holland

The original article:

Scotland: Erwin Oosterhoorn, son of our Cees who is on the mend, has lived for years in Scotland, in Dundee, to be exact and he has since contributed to the creation of DKC, the Dundee Korfball Club, who immediately started enthusiastically. They play in the Scottish league and recently organized the first tournament with six teams. A website should not be missed, of course, so if you want to know more click here. Because of its association with Erwin a forthcoming separate article can appear on our website. Besides, a bunch of students from Edinburgh University Korfball Club made ​​a perfect recruitment clip. That you have to see, click here!

OK, I have roughly translated this to make it easier to read. I have since sent an article over but want to sent a detailed report of the tournament to see if there is anyone that is interested in coming over next year.