DKC Summer tournament

In the blistering sun we had a fantastic first tournament, as you can see on the photo’s. A total of 6 teams battled it out for this years trophy, and I think I can say that we all had a good time.

More about the tournament will follow, please let me know some of your comments of this day!

DundeeDay 2012 (27/5/12)

Plans are coming together nicely for our inaugural Summer Tournament (Sunday, May 27, 2012). We have a total of 6 teams entered, so we’ve opted for a simple round-robin format: each team will play every other team once in a series of 30-minute matches in Dawson Park (DD5 1PJ). Start time is 11am, last game ends at 4:30pm. And the best news of all? Dundee have enough players for 2 teams! See the preliminary DundeeDay 2012 schedule (PDF) for more details.

End of Season Stats

So, the 2011/12 season is finally over, and the official stats for our first season are in. And guess what? We won the development league – yipeee! Mary came out as top scorer and most frequent MVP in the three team development league as well, which is no mean feat for someone who looks so young and new to the game. 🙂 It’s also impressive just how many real Dundee players there are up there near the top of the stats tables (as well as how many of our players managed to score at least one goal in their first season): well done everyone!

PS: I know that the stats for everyone aren’t quite right, and the MVP system has many flaws, but the overall picture is a very promising one, and the guy who’s been in charge of the leagues this year – Simon from Mavs – has done a brilliant (though somewhat thankless) job.

Team Played W D L GF GA GD Points
Dundee 1 17 6 3 8 83 126 -43 15
Ed Uni 4 20 5 1 14 80 193 -113 11
Glasgow 2 11 3 1 7 50 78 -28 7

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SKA AGM proposals

A short message from the SKA, asking for feedback on 3 topics at their AGM: please feel free to write comments below, or forward your views to Nigel or Mary, who will be representing the club at the AGM.

The AGM is looming, and the SKA has three significant proposals to put before the meeting, relating to a change in the league structure, an introduction of a cup competition, and payment for refs. These proposals are attached [follow the blue links to three MS Word documents]…
In order to keep the debate to a manageable length, the plan is for the meeting to discuss and vote only on the proposals put before it, rather than proposing their own amendments or innovations, so if you can think of a tweak or two that would improve the plans then please let us know now. Any other comment welcome too.

From Josh Cockburn, SKA Development Officer

Watch Dutch final via the web


This Saturday (21 April) is the Final of the Dutch Korfball and you can watch it on your computer.
The following information is available on this:
Korfball enthusiasts from all around the world can see the Dutch korfball final played Saturday 21 April LIVE on the Internet by going to the link and select the button “Finals AHOY”.
The Dutch final will be live broadcasted with an English commentator. Starting time 1900 PM (UTC+1 time zone).
The IKF and KNKV cooperate in this event. Mr Tom Brady will be the English commentator. We will have a co commentator as well; who? Watch it and listen.

The Dutch indoor korfball finals will be contested on Saturday 21 April 2012 in AHOY stadium, the major indoor sportsvenue in Rotterdam. The following matches will play:

* 1400 PM – U19 play off for 1st/2nd place : Dalto – PKC/Hagero
* 1630 PM – seniors play off for 3rd /4th place : Blauw Wit (Amsterdam) – Fortuna/MHIR
* 1900 PM – seniors play off for 1st/2nd place : Koog Zaandijk/Hiltex – PKC/Hagero with referee Alle Visser

The Senior team is the team that I (Erwin) played for as a Junior, but I did never reach the level that they have achieved (unfortunately :-))

Have fun and watch a High level game, discussions on Sunday and at the next training session.

Plans for Youth Korfball

Youth Korfball

Youth Korfball

Just a little update on our plans to bring youth korfball to the area. We now have a definite start date, and we are getting support from several Active Schools coordinators, so things look very promising. The planned outcome includes two “feeder” clubs, leading up to a combined Thursday evening (5:30-6:30pm) youth section at the Ardler Complex.

One feeder club will be based at Craigowl Primary, most likely starting on May 17 (every Thursday for 5 weeks, from 4:30 to 5:15pm). The other one will be at Birkhill Primary from 6pm to 7pm on Tuesday evenings, starting on May 8 (every Tuesday for 6 weeks). We will be runnig a series of taster sessions in various schools over the next few weeks to pump prime the two feeder clubs (see events diary for dates).

A flyer (and parental consent form) for the combined Thursday-evening club is available here: A Jump Start for Youth Korfball in Dundee.

We hope that these developments will be of interest to lots of kids and families, and look forward to making it all work out. If anyone would like to volunteer to help in any way, please get in touch with the club’s youth development officer (me!) a.s.a.p.
Nigel Cooper
Chair & YDO, Dundee Korfball Club
07817 640432

Training update: new time & place, as of 19/4/12

Well, the season is over, and FINALLY there are a few sports-hall slots opening up that will allow us to go back to mid-week training sessions. The best one that we’ve come across for most people is from 6:30pm to 8:00pm every Thursday evening. This is at the Ardler Complex (Turnberry Avenue, Dundee, DD2 3TP).

There is also the possibility for us to start a junior section up at Ardler immediately before the adults train, and we are really keen to make this happen. If anybody knows of any young people that would be interested in learning to play korfball, please let Nigel know asap – the most likely time for this would be 5:30pm – 6:30pm on Thursday evenings.

The first Thursday evening training session for adults will be on April 19th.

End of season party, awards and AGM (5/5/12)

An evening to relax, to reflect on progress in year 1, and to make plans for year 2 of Dundee Korfball Club. We may well have a few drinks (to celebrate, of course), and perhaps the odd party game or two, but the main features of the evening will be electing a new committee (always helped by a few drinks), and handing out our first year’s club awards. Start time 6:30pm, end time to suit. Hopefully the AGM will be all over and done within an hour, and then the party can take over (maybe even a BBQ if the weather is nice). Further details from Nigel or Mary, who will be hosting in sunny Auchterhouse.

Please let us know if you would be interested on being on the committee even if you can’t make it to the party/AGM: posts to fill will include chair, secretary, treasurer, social sec, development officer and coaching coordinator.