A short message from the SKA, asking for feedback on 3 topics at their AGM: please feel free to write comments below, or forward your views to Nigel or Mary, who will be representing the club at the AGM.
The AGM is looming, and the SKA has three significant proposals to put before the meeting, relating to a change in the league structure, an introduction of a cup competition, and payment for refs. These proposals are attached [follow the blue linksĀ to three MS Word documents]…
In order to keep the debate to a manageable length, the plan is for the meeting to discuss and vote only on the proposals put before it, rather than proposing their own amendments or innovations, so if you can think of a tweak or two that would improve the plans then please let us know now. Any other comment welcome too.
From Josh Cockburn, SKA Development Officer
Had a quick look at the league structure, and without time to study this properly it seems that option 2 is a viable one.
regarding the cup competition, if a competition is to be played a cup and plate structure is my preference, the second option is too difficult to implement fairly.
For the payment of referees, the option that changes the rate depending on qualifications sounds like the way to go. This will encourage referees and aspiring referees to continue to get qualified. I can also see if the referee is also a player that the fee might get waived at times. (example: team a and team b provide a referee for games and in stead of paying both, the money stays in the club. Does that make sense? )
That’s my 2 cents, see you at training
Definitely up for the cup competition. Think the league structure has to be one which allows the games to be held two at a time. Travelling for single matches, i think, would put people off playing, especially as we want to have subs getting game time. Thats all from me.